Customize workflow:
file: backend/main/react-agent/generateComponents.ts
description: Can control the flow of the generation process, run step by step or full flow.
Render Application
file: frontend/main/src/GenReactApp.tsx
description: Render the generated application, see examples in the file.
use JsonSkeleton to render the skeleton of the page
use demo.tsx files to render the demo page
Generate React Components
folder: create a folder under LOCAL_COMPONENTS_DIR (default frontend/main/src/react-agemt) (see .env.example file)
description: Generate a file under the folder, make it as detailed as possible.
change CONTAINER_PATH in generateComponents.ts to the folder name
run the backend script to generate the React Components.
Customize Folder Structure (see .env.example file)
UI_COMPONENTS_DIR - Where your UI components are located
DEMO_COMPONENTS_DIR - Where your UI components demo files are located
LOCAL_COMPONENTS_DIR - Where your generated components are located
Last updated